Home » Who We Are » Where We Operate – Throughout the UK
The Shipwrecked Mariners’ Society helps people all over the UK from its main headquarters in Chichester, West Sussex, and through a national volunteer network of 150 Honorary Agents. The Society also has an Honorary Agent and a few beneficiaries in Malta.
Our Honorary Agents are situated mainly in port areas and they are actively involved in giving fundraising support and/or acting as caseworkers visiting former mariners and their dependants in need.
Our help and support to mariners is not confined to just the port areas. If you have a need and there is no local Honorary Agent, or you are unable to make contact, then call us at Central Office on 01243 787761 or 789329 between 0915-1630, or e-mail grants@shipwreckedmariners.org.uk
The UK’s coastline is also home to our iconic red collecting mines. Originally more than 200 were donated by the Admiralty in recognition of the Society’s unique contribution supporting seafarers, their families, as well as others shipwrecked, during both World Wars. Unfortunately the ravages of time and the weather have reduced their number. There are still around 50 in operation so if you spot one on your travels, please stop and make a donation. We are always grateful for donations of any size as they are key to what we do and enable us to continue providing financial or practical support to former fishermen and mariners across the country.
Map Key
– Honorary Agent and Collecting Mine
– Honorary Agent