Gold Medal 1859
A letter having been read from Mr J Dickinson, dated India House, together with the copies of documents enclosed, transmitted from the Bombay government, bearing testimony to the conduct of Lt Edward Giles, of the Indian Navy, Mr HR Miles, master of the Hydree, Captain Henry Scott, HM 9th Light Dragoons and Lt Hubert Le Cocq, Bombay Artillery, on the occasion of the shipwreck of the transport Julia, on the bar of Karaeachee Harbour, on the 29th June 1857. It was resolved unanimously, on the motion of Vice-Admiral Bertie Cator, seconded by Captain the Hon. Joseph Denman, RN.
“The Committee, having examined the various documents referred to, bearing testimony to the gallant services in the cause of humanity of the gentlemen before-named, in the execution of which they nobly periled their own lives, and were mainly instrumental, by the providence of God, in saving the crew and passengers of the said vessel, with the exception of 4 gunners of Horse Artillery, which were unhappily drowned by the upsetting of the Hydree’s cutter, specially notice the conduct of Mr HR Miles, the Master of the Hydree, whose gallant, skilful and heroic exertion, appear to have elicited the unqualified praise of all who witnessed his perservering endeavours in the cause of humanity, having been himself capsized and remained two hours in the water. The Committee do therefore award the Gold Medal of the Institution. To Lt Edward Giles, of the Indian Navy, Port Officer, whose name is most honourably mentioned for skill and courage, evidenced throughout the whole time that any lives were imperiled, the Silver Medal; and also to Capt Henry Scott, and Lt Hubert Le Cocq, who were both capsized with Capt Miles, whose gallant and perservering exertions are specially noticed, the Silver Medal of the Institution, each.”