Barometer 1883/84

Posted: 21 January 2017 Posted In: Our History

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The Society’s Aneroid Marine Barometer presented to William Palmer, Master of the smack Laurel, for the rescue of the crew of seven men of the Norwegian brig Telgraf, of Krageroe, waterlogged, in the North Sea, in very heavy seas, on November 21 1883.

In the case of the smack Laurel, for rescue of the Captain (E Ericksen) and crew of seven men of the Norwegian brig Telgraf, of Krageroe, waterlogged, in the North Sea, during a gale, with very heavy sea running, on November 21 1883.

To the Master of the Laurel, William Palmer – a Marine Aneroid Presentation Barometer; and to the Master and other members of the smack’s crew (Edward Gifford, Mate, Thomas Hurst, Samuel Ferrett and Walter Palmer), the pecuniary reward of five pounds. The barometer awarded to the Master was enclosed in an oak case, and bore the following inscription; “To William Palmer, Master of the Smack Laurel, of Ramsgate, for Saving Life at Sea on 21st Nov.,1883.”

Posted In: Our History