Fun Stats and Facts about the Christmas Cards Industry in the UK (Infographic)

Posted: 13 December 2016 Posted In: Cards and Gifts

The Society has created an infographic to showcase the most interesting stats and facts about the Christmas cards industry in the UK together with details of the support our charity provides to mariners and seafarers with the help of our Christmas cards’ customers.


Review our infographic in FULL

This year’s collection of our Christmas cards features many attractive maritime scenes along with more traditional and contemporary festive images together with other gift items including a maritime themed calendar.

The profit generated through the sale of our cards will go directly to help those who have spent their lives at sea or who suffer the consequences of shipwreck and face difficult financial circumstances in retirement or as a result of accident or ill-health.

The Society’s Christmas and everyday greetings cards, as well as interesting and useful gift items, can be purchased from the our head office at 1 North Pallant, Chichester, PO19 1TL.
Opening Times:
10am – 4pm Monday to Friday
10am – 1pm Saturday.
Cards can also be purchased online on our website.
To request a mail order catalogue featuring all the Society’s greetings cards and gift items please contacts us on 01243 789329 or email:
Posted In: Cards and Gifts